Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ruf'Ruf and I will be going to Melaka again this weekend. We have been invited to perform at an Auntie's 75th Birthday celebration which will be held at CCM. This seems to be a steady trend. I am glad it is, I just hope that people don't get fed-up of the both of us. But then again, any trip to Melaka is a much expected trip. My mum's cooking, driving around the town, chilling out at Ringo's and of course the continuous jamming that Ruf'Ruf and I always get ourselves into.

I will be writing more about our trip once we get back on Sun. So, till then, have a good week ahead.

Well, something interesting will be happening tomorrow. I have been invited to be a judge in a college Talent-Time. It has been a long time since I last did something like this. So, I guess it will be fun - well it should be! More later.......

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