Friday, March 21, 2008

This Is Why Animals Are Amazing....Dogs In This Case

A close friend of mine sent me this email. I was almost drawn to tears when I read it and when I saw the pictures. The title of the mail was "Who Said Only Humans Know What Is Love" - I disagree totally with the title. Humans do not know what is love. I've been through a lot in my life and I have seen all that has to be seen, yet nothing tops this one. The title of this mail or this entry has to be: Humans....errrrr, Dogs - Love! There are many times I have encountered accidents or mishaps on the road - be it, while travelling back to Melaka to visit Appa and Amma or even while I take my weekend drives into KL to have dinner or watch a movie or whatever. Whenever I see it, I will always stop by, run out of the car and try to offer as much help as I can. But when I was involved in an accident, yup you guessed it right. F***ing no one stopped to help. I apologise for my French, but I mean honestly, isn't it annoying?

This story below is such a beautiful illustration of how love is just showered. As I said, I'd like to call it Humans - errrrr, Dogs - Love!

Animals are more deluded because of their capacity of their physical body, but occasionally some of them might be able show us the love that we have forgotten on our 'busy roads'. This was taken in China - on one of the busiest streets. It is so sad....

A dog was knocked down by a car and died in the middle of the road. Later, another dog is seen beside the corpse of the dog, he tried to wake his friend up using his leg.

"Hey, wake up! wake up! "

"Let's move to the safer side of the road...I will move you to the safer side!"

When his attempts to wake his friend failed, he tried to push his friend to the side of the road. But the weight of his friend was proven too heavy for him.

Though the traffic is busy and dangerous, he just will not go away from his friend. Just stand beside his friend howling and crying.

"Anyone help, tell me what to do"

Though the traffic is busy and dangerous, he just will not go away from his friend. Just stand beside his friend howling and crying.

Dogs.... amazing aren't they! Have a great weekend everyone and please take this message and pass it on. We have to look out for our friends and in fact to anyone else who needs our help.
Love All, Help All!

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